20 November 2010
MSEB Bill Payment site.... Simple and Precise, in short too good
17 October 2010
I wish somebody designs easy to use pram
Manufacturers should really think of hiring some UX people or some researcher to understand what we as parent need....
It's been a year : remembering my farther
05 October 2010
Modal Window
But we had this debate in one of our projects wherein some business people who were making this user flow made all the data entry second level information in modal window, which is quite understandable to maintain the consistency, but then while user testing people realized that it was even more annoying as why would I fill up something in small screen? Why are you guys forcing me to work in prescribed window? Then we googled on the same to know that as per the research Modal window is meant only to display messages or any alert or vital confirmation messages. Why because as action is just to get confirmation from user, why would he want a popup or new window, he would rather want to see the backend screen while performing the action.
Very good research I learnt about Modal Window
Laxman does it again to Aussie
29 September 2010
Block some channels.... please
Linked in is amazing
This is truly amazing
17 September 2010
Thrilling yet Adventures long weekend trip
The place was Titli/Tapola/Panchgani
Some of PICS which are very refreshing and very well taken by Sachin
1. River in morning

2. Terrific View

28 June 2010
Importance of Internet
Moving to new city is not easy
So it was a hectic month for me moving from Bangalore to Pune.
21 May 2010
Serial Killer !!!
More worse people also watch the repeat telecast also which comes in morning. I mean there are some 5 to 6 entertainment channels and at times ladies at my home miss the emotional overburst in one of the channel because of clash of timings, no probs they see the highlights – repeat show next day.
Real serial killers…… IB please save me from this torture, strike out for a week, please….
26 April 2010
IPL: its chennai all the way
23 April 2010
IPL desperately needs to be outsourced
Who is going to win ? Based on form Mumbai has the edge, but Chennai are real fighters and can upset any team.

12 April 2010
Why are we so obsessed with whites ?
I was very eager to write this many a times before but was unable to mark my words to it. There is this white colour or fairer colour that we are so obsessed and we become so low in our morale that we shamelessly beg in front of them and obey their rules right or wrong like a bonded labour.
One example when we went to Malya Mall near MG Road in Bangalore and there was this fountain, where if you lay your leg in one of the pores from the fountain water just peeps out of it. Kids just love those…. Now that there were 3/4 white kids playing and also my daughter for some 10-15 minutes, there was no objection from anyone. Moment everybody left and only my daughter was left playing in the water, guard shamelessly came to us and said “Sir children are not suppose to play here”, why didin’t he realize the same when others where playing.
Forget the foreigners or white men/women, when it comes to white color especially in South India, people can do anything to attain color. I had one of my relative who was a bit dark in colour and their parents were looking for a suitable bride. Main criteria was girl should be white, what the hell man ? look into yourself why do you need to keep such a criteria.
There are few girls/boys who (I won’t term them black but sort of dark brownish complexion) have some darkish complexion and they think that bathing for hours and applying loads and loads of soap will make white, so you will find them glued to bathrooms for hours and hours, hoping their complexion changes
Very funny, we talk about racism and all and media blew a big whistle on Shilpa Shetty row in UK, but what about us. At least they are doing it to outsiders; we are doing to our own country men.
25 March 2010
Testing in differnt IE Browsers.... try IE tester
URL is http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage
Go ahead download the zip file if exe is blocked in your office. They have the Zip file also in their website.
04 March 2010
22 February 2010
07 January 2010
Check Google Phone Interface
04 January 2010
3 idiots or 5 point someone- both are in win win situation
Now back to controversy, chetan accusing filmakers for his name to be displayed in the story credits (agreed) and film makers blasting chetan saying he has signed contract and taken 11 lakhs for the same. Now who is right or who is ethically correct...... pretty tough, logically film makers are the winner here but personally writer needs to be given some credit, he is asking only for a name in story writing, so what's the fuss all about ?
You know what whaterver we have seen in past 3 or 4 days both are in win win movie as well as the novel. People who have not yet read the novel, will surely go and buy and offcourse people like me who have read the book and are keen to know on the differences will go and watch the movie. This is called a perfect marketing strategy for Movie as well as a Novel (re-run), producer, publisher and the writer pray that this continues and get more publicity....