24 January 2012

Setting up Usability process

So how does one start the exercise of setting up usability as practice in a IT company. That's very tough job sensing that IT companies drive mainly on tech focus, and on top of it customers demand where is UX? many are forced to hire external agency, but have to shell out hell a lot of money for that.

Some assumptions that ppl have about usability is and very common statement they pass

Usability process is too costly
We don't need usability as we always listen to what our customers say?

and commonest of all...... You guys are techy people how come you guys will solve users problem.

So all these assumptions and keeping all these considerations, I decided to take it and started the exercise of building a strong UX practice and educating management team, sales team and our delivery teams with series of presentations explaining what UCD is all about and how is it beneficial for the client and also for our company. To make it possible I have gathered all the templates, practical examples, case studies, ROI facts and geared up for the same.

Absolutely Loving it.......