04 August 2008

Public Transport in Bangalore :( and other cities

Travelling in a Public transport in Bangalore is a big trouble.... I mean the busses, it is all and all kannada boards that you will find. Man how can I read that, no Hindi no English boards in the bus. Funny part is that some busses have marked ladies and gents seats in kannada, I mean no man/women sign also !!! crazy people, I don’t know what they are trying to achieve from that.

Here is the picture of that bus (This is mind it a VOLVO bus)

Let’s look at Chennai busses, man who told you that Chennai is only for tamilians, look at the boards in buses, they have English boards

Lets turn to amchi Mumbai.... I don’t understand at times Mumbai buses, they have in front written everything in Marathi (fortunately people knowing hindi as reading can also read Marathi) but the side section of the bus has English wordings, sounds surprising.... maybe our raj bhaiyya will change that too in marathi...

Lastly Pune.... very pathetic state, have a look at the bus, so dirty and mucky, forget the signboard ??? do you even dare to go inside.