05 October 2010

Modal Window

Modal window is something which was created just to avoid disturbing popups, as many thought as popups are becoming annoying to users and also many browsers have this popup blocker. According to Wiki, Modal Window is child window that requires to interact with users before they can return to operating the parent application. (Check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_window)

But we had this debate in one of our projects wherein some business people who were making this user flow made all the data entry second level information in modal window, which is quite understandable to maintain the consistency, but then while user testing people realized that it was even more annoying as why would I fill up something in small screen? Why are you guys forcing me to work in prescribed window? Then we googled on the same to know that as per the research Modal window is meant only to display messages or any alert or vital confirmation messages. Why because as action is just to get confirmation from user, why would he want a popup or new window, he would rather want to see the backend screen while performing the action.

Very good research I learnt about Modal Window

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