18 February 2008

My trip to Calcutta/Kolkata

My one and half month stay in kolkata.... yes calcutta, had a mixed feelings. Day I landed here to Wipro office was in Salt Lake which is also called the new Kolkatta, something like New Bombay, and surprisingly it belongs to cleaner part of bong native. For first 2 weekends (weekend was the only period wherein I would venture out), I happen to visit city center which is a BIG Mall and happening place for all the cal youngies and yes I felt 5 years younger visiting that place. Most beutiful part of the Mall is that it had more open areas than just shopping, and it is not a AC Mall, partly open to air and partly closed, was good to roam around.

Next 2 weekend I happen to see the real kolkata, the tram yes the TRAM viewing was terrific

Though I didin't travel into this heritage stuff but a mere viewing felt very good. I saw the real crowd, traffic jams (very much like mumbai) and ofcource some cinema halls attached to MALLS. Ohh not to mention the yellow CABS in kol, a big Ambassador car blocking almost half of the road, and if you are travelling alone, it is like traveling in a mini truck. Though the fare are pretty much reasonnable, unlike in hyderabad or bangalore, these taxi walla don't run after you or be behind you for 1 or 2 rupees, they charge as per the fare, thats good, a la Mumbai, now I know why living in Metro is better than other cities.

So all in all a good trip, KOlKATA is the only metro city in India wherein you see manual cycle rickshaw. Will try to see more heritage places if time permits and if I don't get release from my project in KOLKATA

And yes I also happen to taste mishti and rossogullas....

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